1907-Class A Lease or Lease Purchase
- Base Pay:
- 0-200 miles: $2.00 per mile ($50 minimum)
- 201-400 miles: $1.37 per mile
- 401-600 miles: $1.13 per mile
- 601+ miles: $1.02 per mile
- Fuel Surcharge (FSC) paid on all loaded miles
- Fuel Discount: $0.05 off the pump price
Home Time:
- Regular home time, often as frequently as every few weeks
- OTR all 48 states � majority of freight is East of I-35 but we go where the freight goes
� Drivers average 2200+ miles per week
� ALL no touch freight
� 50-60% drop & hook
� 40-50% Live Unload
� No forced dispatch into NYC or its 5 boroughs
- Must be at least 21 Years of Age
- Must have a minimum of 9 Full Months Class A Driving Experience
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision
- Vacation & PTO
- 401K Company Matching up to 5%